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Thursday, July 19, 2007

Show on!

Last Saturday(14/7) Bro. Daniel led a revolutionary ‘short-film’ evangelistic meeting here in Setapak MYF. Short-film evangelism is rather a new approach to reach the younger audiences living in media sophisticated world. Unlike common evangelistic meeting, where the audience have to sit down and listen to one person do all the talking, the audience gets to discuss the content of the short-films in small groups setting (not more than 5 people), and slowly led to discussion on Gospel topics such as: sin, forgiveness, God’s love and deliverance.
Bro. Daniel showed us 5 short films; each and every of the short films are no longer than 10 minutes. They are: Amazing, In Time, Good, La Busqueda (The Search) and El Bano (The Bathroom). The brothers and sisters enjoy the short films and the time of sharing, where everyone gets to know more about each other and about the journey they have with God.
After much discussion, Bro. Daniel shared his personal testimony and told us how he encountered the love and forgiveness of God and how God transform his life since his acceptance of Christ as his Lord and Savior. He emphasized that being a Christian is being someone who walks closely with God and is having a vital relationship with Jesus. He also had a short altar call where the audience gets a chance to accept Jesus Christ into their life.

That night was ended after a short time of sharing and prayer among the brothers and sisters. Thank God it was a fruitful night where the lives of brothers and sisters have been reminded of God’s everlasting love.
by Bro Daniel~

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