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Wednesday, December 06, 2006

2006 Christmas Celebration!!

1)Christmas Revival Meeting培灵会
Christmas is calling YOU Home回来过圣诞
Date :16th Dec 2006 (Sat)
Time: 7.30pm

2)Christmas Fellowship Dinner圣诞聚餐
Come & Taste!!快来尝一尝
Date : 23th Dec 2006 (Sat)
Time: 7.30pm

Our Location

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Learn to Serve from Young (Awards & Charity Concert)

Date : 10th December 2006
Venue : Pearl International Hotel
Time : 2:00pm-4:00pm

Hosted by Gary Yap of 8TV
Song Presentation by Gary Yap and Mimi Tang from Hong Kong

Age 6 and below Free
Age 7-12 RM20
Age 13 onwards RM40
Free one voucher worth RM50

Kindly call 016-2337000 to purchase tickets. Thank You!


攻破坚固营垒只能够用属天的武器(不是用个人或他人的努力),它们是:1. 心意更新转换器(罗12:2,赛55:6-9)-用神高超的思想取代人低俗思想的过程,认罪降服于神,并承认我们自己的有限,认罪悔改,从圣经中搜寻神的心意,并定意只思想真是的,可敬的,公义的,纯洁的,可爱的,好名声的事物(腓4:6-8)

希望弟兄姐妹们继续在为主征战的过程中,靠真理得自由,重新在基督里得力!也呼吁大家不要再轻易错过接下来仅剩三次的“基督里得自由”课程,因为此类课程帮助我们如何过一个得胜的基督徒生活,开始向失败说bye bye!


Raub Orang Asli Mission Trip

Thanks be to God as He led 13 of us to Raub Orang Asli Village and serve His people, Orang Semai there on 25 and 26 November (Sun & Sat)! It was a very meaningful trip as we able to experience the life of Orang Asli, to understand their shortcomings in life, and to worship God with them. With the motivation to serve them, we went in with the Presence of our Almighty God, with the hope of helping them to build a closer relationship with God.
Started with teaching the kids how to brush teeth, followed by home visitation, we serve them with love and care, also the blessings of God. I can never forget the smile on their face as we pray for them, sing songs of praise with them and distribute some free ‘Hari Natal’ gifts to each household.
We also had our very first Orang Asli kenduri there. We witnessed how God provide sufficient foods for everyone who came that night. There were more than 100 people enjoyed the meal. By seeing Semai people preparing the meal, you will wonder how talented are them as they fully utilize every natural resources available to prepare the meal. Moreover, the foods taste GREAT! Well, I guess it has something to do with eating with hands too… apart from the fact that Semai people are very good in cooking!
Saturday night was a revival meeting. We witnessed God’s providence of electricity to the newly built church there, right in the middle of our time of singing praises to our God! We truly believe that as we give God fully the Glory He deserves, despite of the negative circumstances, miracles happen! Hallelujah!
Pastor Toh had also been blessed with gifts of preaching in Malay! You can witness the fluency only when you were there listening him speak! You will be surprisingly in awe when you know how God can use His servant to preach to the Semai people, those that are hunger for His Truth! Glory be to God! Followed after the message was a time of prayer and ministering, 13 of us took turn to pray for different people with different needs, young and old, male and female. It was a beautiful time as we see people holding and raising up hands, offering prayer to our Father in Heaven.
The next morning was a Sunday service. We had our group devotion before the Sunday service by sharing the true value of being a servant of God. The Sunday service was carried out mainly in Bahasa Semai, and with Pulpit message shared by Pastor Toh. What a relief when his message reminded the congregation a very important truth: Saya Tidak Berdosa, Saya Orang Suci Dalam Yesus Kristus! True indeed, we can experience the deliverance from sins by no other means but the redemption of the blood of Jesus Christ. Right after the Sunday service, we carried out Sunday school classes for the kids and Bible study class for the adults! It was another beautiful time sharing the truth of God that give joy and hope to the people there! Especially the kids, you can see they get very excited particularly during the time of sing praises to God.
The trip ended with home visitation and giving gifts to the local church and minister there. All of us, with the local ministers, Ps. Suria and Ps. Rosnani, and the Penghulu, we gathered and prayed to God, giving thanks to Him for the time spent and the blessings He has given to all of us. He’s been faithful!
4pm, all of us left the Orang Semai village with full of joy, knowing that we will come back again for another wonderful appointment with the Love of God!

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