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Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Weekly Activities of MYF

1) Prayer Meeting

Thursday, 8.00pm (Mandarin/Hokkien)

Friday, 8.00pm (English/Mandarin)

2) Church Choir Practice

Saturday, 4.30pm (Mandarin)

3) MYF Meeting

Saturday, 7.30pm

4) Sunday Service

9.00am (English/Mandarin)

11.00am (Mandarin/Hokkien)


Rev. Dr. Stephen Tong

Rev. Dr. Stephen Tong is an evangelist and a theology lecturer. He is also the founder of the ‘Stephen Tong Evangelistic Ministries International’ (STEMI) and the ‘Reformed Institute for Christianity and the 21st Century’. He is considered by many to be the most effective and prominent Mandarin-speaking evangelist today.

Speaker: Dr Stephen Tong
Interpreter: Dr Lee Ken Ang
Venue: PGRM building, Cheras, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Time: Every Monday, 8pm
Website: http://stemi.my

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