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Sunday, August 20, 2006

代祷事项 Prayers Needed

Please pray for MYFers' needs:-

  1. 丽专 Alison
    - Pray for my health & the heart of serving in SMC
  2. 思豪 Daniel
    - Pray for my stamina to complete my 5 assignments left which is due in mid of august and early sept.
    - Pray for my mom cuz she is taking care of my grandma during weekdays in her hometown Kuala Klawang, N.9. Pray for the health of my grandma as well :)
  3. 晓丽 Shirley
    - Pray for my health
    - Pray for the project on hand which due at the end of August. Now only 30% completed.
  4. 俐麟 Lily
    - My studies in UK (terribly busy with assignments and presentations)
    - My health cos the weather is changing everyday, hoping that i can cope with the weather.
  5. 忠信 Jeff
    - Hope I can be wise and strong in meeting in work challenges in Perth during next 2 months
  6. 为明 Danny
    - Pray for my spiriture life
    - Pray for my 2 assignments hang up this friday (4 Aug)
  7. 明霞 Min Sia
    - Pray for my health, few days sick, flu
  8. 伟霖 William
    - Pray for AIA Career
    - Pray for relationship around
  9. Steffi
    - Thanks God for this relaxing semester
    - Guide me to have a good relationship with course mates
  10. Xiao Wei
    - Pray for my daily driving go and back from Taman Tun Dr Ismail and Setapak.
    - Pray for my health
    - Pray for my study and final exam which starts from 7 Sept
  11. Evelynn
    - my exam start on 8 sept and continue on 9,15 ,19.
    - My health
    - My relantionship with God.

Friday, August 11, 2006

Badminton Game is coming back!!!

Venue: Titiwangsa Badminton Court
Time: 8pm - 10pm

Sunday, August 06, 2006

2006年卫理青年大会 Methodist Youth Convention

主题:卫理青年 • 当代使命



日期:31.08.2006 - 03.09.2006

地点:Port Dickson Bayu Beach Resort

More Information

Stream Of Praise In TOWN!! 8 & 9 August 2006

日期:8-9 /8 / 2006 (Tues & Wed )
時間:8:00 PM
活動:2006 敬拜讚美巡迴
地點:PGRM HallLot 6.01,Level 6, Menara PGRM,8,Jalan Pudu Ulu, Cheras, 56100 Kuala Lumpur

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Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Heal our nation

Heal our nation

If my people will humble themselves
Humble themselves and pray
If they seek my face and humble themselves
And turn from their wicked ways
I will hear from heaven and forgive their sins
I will hear from heaven and heal their land

Lord heal our land Father heal our land
Hear our cry and turn our nation back to you,
Lord heal our land heal us O Lord and heal our land
Forgive our sin and heal our broken land

Lord we bow our knee we humble ourselves
Humble ourselves and pray
Lord we seek Your face, we humble ourselves
And turn from our wicked ways
Father, in Your mercy forgive our sin
Father, in Your mercy come heal our land

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Ask For Peace for SETAPAK

文良港 (特别是 wangsa maju 区)治安严重亮红灯



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