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Tuesday, March 28, 2006

真善美课程(二)~ 自由

Last Saturday, MYFers had a great time thinking on an important issue: Being a Christian for quite sometimes, have we really feel the FREEDOM of life which is automatically ours since the first time we receive Jesus Chsirt as our personal Savior?
MYFers had a discussion of what FREEDOM really means, however, the Biblical answer is: Not that you can do anything you like, but rather, it's the ability that keeps you from not doing what you're not suppose to do! Following this definition (which is a truth), Ps. Toh then lead us to understand how we first lost the FREEDOM to rule this world which God has granted Adam when he was first created, it is when we rebel against God and trust what the Satan says that made Adam hand the entire human race under It's rule, and at the same time, being under It's yoke. But God never give us up, therefore He sent His Son, Jesus Christ (which is also seen as the 2nd Adam) to take back the FREEDOM and the kingship, and grant us back freely. Therefore, it is only by trusting Jesus and abide in Him constantly that will give us true FREEDOM and enjoy God's love and protection. Another key point to keep the FREEDOM we have is not to follow the flesh desire but to follow God's command.
MYFers had a thoughtful night indeed, when we closed the talk with a song- Love, I'm Willing to Surrender...
MYFers, Stay Free from Sin and Satan's Yoke ;)


Monday, March 27, 2006






Monday, March 20, 2006

真善美课程(一)~ 成功 Basic Principles of Life (1)~Success

Are You Successful?

Last Saturday, the MYFers have pondered on an important issue concerning personal living. Success, something that everyone hopes to become, yet its definition is so wide-ranged, and with no clear direction. That night, led by Bro. Daniel, we studied on how Bible define Success: It is not what you have ACHIEVED, or what you have POSSESSED, but to live out a kind of LIFE, that is the life of Christ.
Since we believe in Christ, by faith, we had been given the life of Christ inside us, and the oldself is dead, and now the life of Jesus Christ is in us. That is why our present life is a new one, a Holy and Perfect in God's sight-Because Jesus, the Life of His Son is INSIDE US. Therefore, to claim as successful, it is not seeing from the oldself-perspective: Everything that is considering successful-possessions of earthly inheritance, or career achievement and so on, is not the correct answer anymore, because it is not relevant to eternity. Eternity lasts forever, and it ought to be the core value of living on earth. We Live to prepare for eternity.
Therefore, the true success is to become like Jesus Christ, because He is the first born in God's family, and we are heirs of God because of Jesus. In order to inherits the Heavenly Kingdom, we are required to grow and become like Jesus (note that we are not planned to BE Jesus, but to BECOME LIKE Jesus). Often a time when we talk about Spiritual Growth, we don't know what we really ask for-we don't have a direction. Who we want to become in terms of Spiritual Maturity? Only one Answer: Become like Jesus Chrsit.
God shows us His desire to make us grow to become like Jesus by: First, Creating us in His own image, therefore we have to potential to inherits all His attributes; Second, to bring us out of darkness and safe us into His family, through the Blood of jesus Christ His Son, Thirdly, He give us His Spirit, the Spirit that proves to us and make us call our God: Abba Father. Lastly, He gave us His Words, so that we may know His desire, and help us to know how to live and where are we going to be in eternity.
I believe brothers and sisters have some precious times to pondered over the concept of Success in Bible, which is totally contradict towards the earthly value. Success is all about what kind of Life you live, and the most successful life ever lived on earth is the life of Jesus Christ.
So, are you successful? I pray that God will make you successful, by the work of His Holy Spirit in you..



他有些不解,可是又不敢問,也不敢拒絕 - 這才是絕對的順服嘛!他想。
因為他的挫折感,撒但就有機可乘了,於是把一些更消極的念頭放在他的思想中:“你推這石頭推得夠久了吧?可是它一動也不動。你知道嗎 - 上帝給你的根本是個不可能的任務,你注定失敗!”這念頭使他更加氣餒。撒但又說:“何苦這樣逼死自己呢?反正是不可能成就的事,用一點點時間應酬一下,就好了嘛!反正多做少做,結果都是一樣的。”
這人決定就這麼辦,但他終究還是覺得該把這決定帶到上帝面前禱告一番(瞧!基督徒的禱告習慣還是很關鍵的)。他對上帝說:“主啊!我已經照禰的話去做了,長久以來,我用盡全力去推,卻不能移動那大石頭 - 連半厘米的成績都沒有。到底是哪里不對,以致我這麼失敗?”
很多時候,我們得到從神來的任務,卻會按自己的意思來詮釋祂所要的,使自己陷入氣餒、挫折、絕望等等消極的情緒中。其實,祂只要我們單純地順服與信靠祂,至於“效果” - 完全在祂手里,而不在我們的掌握之中。

Friday, March 10, 2006


禱告會 - 會友可以偷懶不來,而領袖“靈氣”再低時,還是要在禱告會中頻頻向神唉聲歎氣。

Saturday, March 04, 2006





Click Here for photos.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

CDMYF Fellowship Day 中部青年团契日 2006

CDMYF (Central District Methodist Youth Fellowship) Fellowship Day 2006 will be held on 11 Apr (Tue) at MBS Recreation & Training, Kuang. CDMYF are organising 1 day trip with station games and worship. Kindly encourage ALL to join this exiting event!

Fees: RM20/pax including lunch
Deadline: 31/3/06
Time: 9am-4pm

Please register with Amy Loh ASAP thank you!!

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

2006 4th World Methodist Youth Convention

2006 World Methodist Youth Convention will be held in Hong Kong from 21.06.06 to 26.06.06
CAC MYF will responsible to gather the youth attendees from West Msia and try to arrange the air tickets in group basis so that to get cheaper ticket.

We have few options,
Option 1: For those who just attend the convention (less than 7 days)
1A: MAS Airlines; 2 ways; around RM 1600++ (including tax)
1B: Cathay Airlines; 2 ways; around RM 1200++ (including tax)

Option 2: For those who atte nd the conventiom and also plan for few days vacation in HK (less than 14 days),
2A: MAS Airlines; 2 ways; around RM 1777++ (including tax)
2B: Cathay Airlines; 2 ways; around RM 1450++ (including tax)

The above prices do not include the fixed camp fees ($180 / RM 670) and also the hotel & tour fees (if extend the journey).

We understand that MAS airlines is going to offer cheaper airfares starting 17.02.06. BTW, the next Matta fare will be held in March 06 as well. We hope to get some cheaper air tickets during these opputunities.

If u confirm ur name earlier, we may manage to get the cheaper airfares for you. otherwise, u may need to fly with normal airfares.

Pls contact John hii (012-2201885); bro. Wei Xiang (016-67474 64); bro. Jen Dak (012-6517558) and bro. Yeong Yih (012-3261846) for the reservation. We would like to collect the money from those attandees first for the ticket booking

click here for more details

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