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Tuesday, March 28, 2006

真善美课程(二)~ 自由

Last Saturday, MYFers had a great time thinking on an important issue: Being a Christian for quite sometimes, have we really feel the FREEDOM of life which is automatically ours since the first time we receive Jesus Chsirt as our personal Savior?
MYFers had a discussion of what FREEDOM really means, however, the Biblical answer is: Not that you can do anything you like, but rather, it's the ability that keeps you from not doing what you're not suppose to do! Following this definition (which is a truth), Ps. Toh then lead us to understand how we first lost the FREEDOM to rule this world which God has granted Adam when he was first created, it is when we rebel against God and trust what the Satan says that made Adam hand the entire human race under It's rule, and at the same time, being under It's yoke. But God never give us up, therefore He sent His Son, Jesus Christ (which is also seen as the 2nd Adam) to take back the FREEDOM and the kingship, and grant us back freely. Therefore, it is only by trusting Jesus and abide in Him constantly that will give us true FREEDOM and enjoy God's love and protection. Another key point to keep the FREEDOM we have is not to follow the flesh desire but to follow God's command.
MYFers had a thoughtful night indeed, when we closed the talk with a song- Love, I'm Willing to Surrender...
MYFers, Stay Free from Sin and Satan's Yoke ;)


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