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Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Life In Perth


Time flies - it will be about a month since I am here in Perth. Get a lot of chance travel to places especially during Saturdays. So far, I have been to Pinnacles. There is where you see the unique rock formation with yellowish-orange sand. I also manage to visit some wonderful wildlife parks over here where I get to see kangaroos, koalas, wombats, numbats to name a few. These are called "wildlife bush animals".

Work has been challenging and I have learned a few things here and there. So, hope to see you all soon, I presume sometime mid-Dec.

Love, Jeff

Our 1st Badminton Games 我们的第一次羽球康乐活动 !!!

Our 1st badminton games was start at Stadium Titiwangsa on 25/10/2005. We have a lot of fun there, about 19 youths join this activities. Hope we have more people to join. Plan to have it every week Tuesday from 8pm- 10pm. Anyone interested please contact Bro. Daniel or Bro. Danny for further information.

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Tuesday, October 18, 2005

A Great Camp At PD 15-16/10/2005

All of us enjoy in this camp, we are looking for another camp next year.

Testimonial ~

Danny~~: Hello~ everyone!! i like this camp!~~ =)

ah chek: many thanks to those who organized n participated the PD camp!! i really like this camp n i'm sure u all had an enjoyable time at there too, rite?

danielszehauz: Great camp! Praise Abba! thx EarnB, Jeff, Alison, shirly, yu xia jie&every1 who is tiring serving us like a servant in the camp! you all are the Best!& hv performed d likenes of Jesus;)

diana: i love the camp....10s every1

cally: Hello, i can say it is a nice camp... miss the camp very much.. n of course all the brothers n sisters in PD camp.. Thanks for everythings... God Bless!

Xiang Xi..^^: thanks God, cos can join this camp, it is very nice...

felice: hello everyone!thanks God I've joined the PD camp,i enjoyed it very much~thanks for all the efforts that contributed by all the committees,and the Lord,God bless U all~~

lily: i enjoy d PD camp very much. Although felt very tired after d camp, i learnt a lot.Besides, i also enjoy d fellowship together with all the brothers and sisters. Thanks God 4d wonderful camp.

hock hing: very enjoy in this camp...

Kin Ing: thanks for all commitee to organize this camp..take care all

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Thursday, October 13, 2005


日期:5/12-8/12/2005 (4天3夜)
地點:英迪學院(汝來總院)INTI COLLEGE, NILAI
截至日期:11 月 20 日

LIFE IMPACT GAME 是一項早在英文教會聞明的游戲,由LIFE IMPACT MINISTRY 的John Kwan牧師和一班同工研發。這游戲已在新、馬、香港的教會傳開起來。每年都有教會邀請他們前去領會。而他們設計的這游戲也獲得 [標竿人生] 作者美國馬鞍峰教會的華理克牧師RICK WARREN 的認同和肯定。
2005 ,收獲音樂SOUL WORKS將其引入中文教會,開始籌瓣第一屆的中文版 [目標驅動新人王]。為的就是要將這美好的福份帶給中文教會的青少年;啟發、改變他們,讓他們成為上帝眼中的新人王。


你可以極力追求你的理想,找份好的工作,做生意,賺錢過活,買名車,公寓洋房,甚至結婚,擁有小孩,憑?你的實力去過你要的生活。這些將幫助你累積你的分數,讓你從底可以不停高攀到上流社會,成為成功人士或名人, 從而進入政治領域,甚至參選成為這城市的“市長 ”,享受名利 或再往上做富翁。



上帝會透過游戲和牧師的信息來觸動他們的心。 在過往的記錄,我們很高興看見至少80%的參賽者決志。我們成功的果效如:
  1. 愿意接受耶穌為他們個人救贖和主宰
  2. 愿意委身活出“目標導向”的人生
  3. 愿意委身于全職服侍


整個虛擬的城市將由主辦當局GAME MASTER管理,與聯邦事務特工隊FBI (federal business interllectual) 協助。就如我們生活在先進文明城市里,凡在世界能找到的事物都會出現在游戲里,和平常的生活沒兩樣。


  1. 幫助我們發覺生命的意義和目的
  2. 幫助我們實現神的偉大使命和誡命

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Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Port Dickson 2 days 1 night trip

2005 MYF PD Camp

目的:在基督里,彼此建立。成长 Build up one another and grow together in Christ

地点:Port Dickson Glory Beach Resort

日期:15 - 16 Oct 2005



恩美 012 6923186
忠信 019 2802785
晓丽 012 2286605


截止日期:11 Sept 2005

Sporty Night !!

Sporty night for MYFers last Saturday! It was somehow a fresh activity for the typical “city-type” fellowship. Everyone put up their sports attire and heading for the battlefield – badminton court in Titiwangsa. Playing badminton can be really exciting for someone like me who has not been playing any games for years. When we reached there, Jeff led us to do some warm-ups, Amy led the group to sing a song to praise our Father in Heaven for giving us such a wonderful opportunity to fellowship with each others. After a short briefing, everyone took up their racket excitingly and begin playing. You might be surprised that so many brothers and sisters are actually talented and was actively involved in sports before! We had a fun time playing together, sitting around and chat with each others. We can see that God has blessed this kind of fellowship a lot because He given us a bonus – burning of excessive fat and give us a healthier body. Praise the Lord! We are looking forward to another chance such as this in a short time!

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Movie & Sharing Night

On the night of Oct 1, 2005 We had our Movie Night gathering. The purpose of the night was not only to watch a movie but rather to appreciate the meaning of life. There were 14 of us that attended the fellowship that night, a small group. Sze Ern shared about “Jesus being the vine, we are the branches”. I then shared about the importance of the day we have accepted Jesus in our life. We even shared a cake to remember that special day in our lives with Jesus.

After watching ‘Life is a Miracle’, the group was asked about what they have learned from the movie. Most of them mentioned the importance of appreciating and loving our loved ones while we able to do so. Others just felt that life is rather short, and there is no need to struggle through life if we have a terminal disease. Is that really the way to go? God created us because of his love for us. He wants to us to be close to Him and be able to enjoy his eternal love. Only God can fill the emptiness in our hearts and our prayers are heard by Him. We then sang the song “I Pray” by Stream of Praise Music Ministries. The night ended with a prayer to God to renew our hearts.

~by Jeff

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