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Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Life in Perth….Jeff

Life in Perth….

I have been working in Perth since Aug 2006. Life has been full of challenges and trials – not to mention trying to adapt to weather and distance from family and friends. Throughout my stay here, I have been serving in IMC (Immanuel Methodist Church) in areas – Sunday school, youth, young adult, choir, etc. God has given me lots of opportunities in church to keep me going.

During my stay, I have visited Melbourne, Sydney and Adelaide. I plan to go to New Zealand (early Oct). It will be an exciting moment.

God bless you all and hope to see you all early of August as promised. Enjoy some of my photos I took in Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide and Perth as well and serve God with all your hearts…
By Bro. Jeff..

Sunday, October 07, 2007



隨之而來的是由几位弟兄姐妹所帶領的詩歌贊美。雖然唱的都是大家不熟悉的新歌but who care?在場的弟兄姐妹,會唱的就大聲唱,不會唱的就學,學不會的就聞歌起舞,總之各有各的贊美方式,載歌載舞,把現場搞得沸騰騰的。



Reported by : Angeline Wong

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