Thursday, December 29, 2005
第一种态度叫自宠(self-indulgence)。持这种态度的人完全不懂牺牲自己。他们的名言是:“只要我喜欢,有什么不可以(If you want to do something, go ahead and do it)。”他们对道德大皱眉头。他们说别让试探有第二次机会,第一次就向试探投降!只要觉得好,就做吧。
第一种态度叫自宠(self-indulgence)。持这种态度的人完全不懂牺牲自己。他们的名言是:“只要我喜欢,有什么不可以(If you want to do something, go ahead and do it)。”他们对道德大皱眉头。他们说别让试探有第二次机会,第一次就向试探投降!只要觉得好,就做吧。
Monday, December 26, 2005
2006 卫理青年大会宣传海报设计比赛
年会青年团契将于12.05.2006 - 15.05.2006 举办两年一度的2006卫理青年大会。来届青年大会建议之主题为:“卫理青年,当代使命”
为了征求更俱创意及有素质的宣传海报与鼓励青年参与海报设计,年会青团将举办2006 卫理青年大会宣传海报设计比赛。
08.12.05 >> 正式接受报名
08.12.05 - 01.01.06 >> 各教区青团及牧区青团协助鼓励、跟进,开始设计
20.12.05 - 01.01.06 >> 设计作品开始呈上年会青团
02.01.06 >> 最后截止日期
03.01.06 - 08.01.06 >> 年会青团整理然后将作品刊登年青网站
09.01.06 - 18.01.06 >> 弟兄姐妹网上投票
18.01.06 - 20.06.06 >> 年会青团总结投票及评审成绩
21.01.06 >> 成绩揭晓
1. 只公开给卫理公会年议会青年团契会员参加
2. 作品必须用电脑软体 (如Photoshop, Illustrator etc) 设计
3. 任何手画(hand-drawn) 或扫描 (scanned copy) 作品恕不接纳
4. 颜色使用不拘,自由发挥
5. 海报需带出大会主题的信息
6. 海报需有以下的字样/徽章:
- 卫理青年团契徽章 (可从卫理青年网站下载)
- “卫理青年,当代使命”
7. 设计概念的描述(如有),只作为参考,无附加分
8. 作品评审为:
50% - 网上投票成绩
50% - 年会青年指导及年会青年职员评审成绩
9. 年会青年团契的评审成绩为最后决定,不得异议
10. 年会青年团契全权决定哪一份作品为2006卫理青年大会宣传海报
11. 每名参加者最多只能呈交二份作品
12. 逾期者恕不接纳其作品
13. 请将作品(in jpeg or gif format)联同报名表格于02.01.06之前电邮至;;
第一名 - RM100 书局礼券 + 卫理青年T-Shirt 1 件
优秀作品 - RM50 书局礼券 + 卫理青年T-Shirt 1 件
许惠程 012 2201885 -;
汤鹏翔 016 9520482 -
年会青团将在作品收到后三日内email / sms 于参赛者以确定其参赛作品。 如参赛者在电邮作品后一星期内仍未收到通知,请联络我们。
下摘<<2006 卫理青年大会宣传海报设计比赛报名表格>>
For MORE, click Here
为了征求更俱创意及有素质的宣传海报与鼓励青年参与海报设计,年会青团将举办2006 卫理青年大会宣传海报设计比赛。
08.12.05 >> 正式接受报名
08.12.05 - 01.01.06 >> 各教区青团及牧区青团协助鼓励、跟进,开始设计
20.12.05 - 01.01.06 >> 设计作品开始呈上年会青团
02.01.06 >> 最后截止日期
03.01.06 - 08.01.06 >> 年会青团整理然后将作品刊登年青网站
09.01.06 - 18.01.06 >> 弟兄姐妹网上投票
18.01.06 - 20.06.06 >> 年会青团总结投票及评审成绩
21.01.06 >> 成绩揭晓
1. 只公开给卫理公会年议会青年团契会员参加
2. 作品必须用电脑软体 (如Photoshop, Illustrator etc) 设计
3. 任何手画(hand-drawn) 或扫描 (scanned copy) 作品恕不接纳
4. 颜色使用不拘,自由发挥
5. 海报需带出大会主题的信息
6. 海报需有以下的字样/徽章:
- 卫理青年团契徽章 (可从卫理青年网站下载)
- “卫理青年,当代使命”
7. 设计概念的描述(如有),只作为参考,无附加分
8. 作品评审为:
50% - 网上投票成绩
50% - 年会青年指导及年会青年职员评审成绩
9. 年会青年团契的评审成绩为最后决定,不得异议
10. 年会青年团契全权决定哪一份作品为2006卫理青年大会宣传海报
11. 每名参加者最多只能呈交二份作品
12. 逾期者恕不接纳其作品
13. 请将作品(in jpeg or gif format)联同报名表格于02.01.06之前电邮至;;
第一名 - RM100 书局礼券 + 卫理青年T-Shirt 1 件
优秀作品 - RM50 书局礼券 + 卫理青年T-Shirt 1 件
许惠程 012 2201885 -;
汤鹏翔 016 9520482 -
年会青团将在作品收到后三日内email / sms 于参赛者以确定其参赛作品。 如参赛者在电邮作品后一星期内仍未收到通知,请联络我们。
下摘<<2006 卫理青年大会宣传海报设计比赛报名表格>>
For MORE, click Here
Sunday, December 25, 2005
CACMYF T-shirt Final Vote
年议会青年团契感激弟兄姐妹们在2005年七月份热烈参与T-shirt设计比赛网上投选。经网上投票及年会青团议决,结果由大城堡卫理公会的Simon Lee弟兄取得第一名。而年会青团也决定采用他的设计概念为卫理青年T-shirt蓝本。
为了选出最适合的T-shirt颜色,我们特地邀请Simon Lee弟兄设计了4种颜色T-shirt(红,黑,蓝,橙),以作比较。在此,我们公开让各位弟兄姐妹透过卫理青年网站投票,以投选你心目中认为最适合的卫理青年T-shirt。
当然,此网上投票是F.O.G(Free Of Gift)的。你的投票结果将成为我们宝贵的参考。请快快花几秒钟参与网上投票吧!
最后, 年会青团将于2006正式制作及售卖卫理青年T-shirt。此T-shirt将用于2006卫理青年大会,2006世界卫理青年大会及卫理青年主日。在此谨呼吁没个卫理青年团契继续支持并购买此T-shirt。售卖详情将于2006正月公布。
Click here to vote.
Saturday, December 24, 2005
2006 卫理青年大会 (投选工作坊)
年会青年团契将于12.05.2006 - 15.05.2006 举办两年一度的2006卫理青年大会来届青年大会建议之主题为:“卫理青年,当代使命”- 探讨卫理青年如何以信仰的立场回应这时代的思潮,为主作见证建议之查经为:“登山宝训” - 耶稣基督的教导 vs 世俗的价值观
基于有限的空间,来届青年大会只能探讨以上9项工作坊之其中3 或4项。欢迎各位青年人游览年会青团网站 -,以投选你认为最适合卫理青年大会的工作坊。每次只能投选一项。谢谢你的踊跃参与!
Thursday, December 22, 2005
25th Dec 2005 Christmas gift exchange for MYF青 年 团 圣 诞 节 交 换 礼 物
Dear All MYF members , Please prepare a gift, above RM 10 for the christmas gift exchange on 25th Dec 2005 after the christmas celebration. Thank you!!!
各 位 青 年 美 女 帅 哥在 25号 圣 诞 节 当 天 , 青 年 团 契 会 有 交 换 礼 物, 请 预 备 一 份 超 过 马 币 10的 圣 诞 礼 物, 然 后 把 它 带 来 . 谢 谢 合 作 ! ! !
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Big Thank You!!!
On behalf of Setapak Methodist Church, we would like to say a big THANK YOU to our invited speaker Dr Andrew Goh and Interpreter Brother Walter Yam for helping to make our Christmas Celebration 17 December 2005 a great success this year.
The best news is that at least 21 people have received Christ as their Saviour through the response slips; and a few more who did not response, did so through the counsellors.
We pray that God will continue to bless both of you with your good works …….. and if there are any shortcomings …. we do apologise.
We hope you enjoyed your short mission with us in Setapak, and we look forward to having you again in the future.
The 2005 Christmas Celebration Organising Team
Setapak Methodist Church
As Organising Chairperson of the recently concluded Christmas Celebration 17 December 2005, I would like to say a big THANK YOU to all of you for the help rendered:
Alison, for never say no to most of the things I asked you to help, car stickers, brochures, printing, purchasing etc etc. thank you.
Shirley, for all the design works and the last minute assignments …. smile …. nobody could do better than you .
Daniel, another very helpful and encouraging brother … and that’s a beautiful song you wrote … you did best under pressure …
Amy, you are a great blessing to Setapak Church … and a good leader too … pls continue with the good works,
The MCs, Pastor Toh – our ever helpful and talented minister, continue to be our good shepherd…& Dr Sharon Ling … our beautiful lady, definitely best dressed for the evening. And a beautiful song as well…. pls continue to sing for our Lord.
The actors, Pst Toh and Brother Ng Seng Ann … a good sense of humour, you have modified the script so much from the original that I wrote !! But definitely a lot better … Well done!
The dancers, Lily, Dorothy, Danny, Ming Xia, Xiao Wei, Kong Shun, Kar Men, Kar In, Shuen Nee …I see all of you are having a good time, who says Christians do not know how to have fun?
The singers, Amy, Shirley, Ah Nerd and Daniel ….. voices rising up to Heaven like sweet perfumes ……..
The Tambourine Dancers, Hui Hui, Shuen Yuan, Kang Hee, .. adding beautiful melody to the songs…
The musicians, Daniel, Sophia, Ah Chao, John, Joseph & Sam … not bad for a bunch of amateurs …. a few mistakes here and there …. but who ever noticed huh?
To the “back-room boys”, William, Wee Lin, Joshua, Aaron, who co-ordinated the sounds and lights ……. thank you
To Ivy Tay, who helped edit the video of Jesus to 30 minutes …..
The Car Park Controllers, Ping Tat, Ching Guan, George and Alvin, with their new black battery operated T-shirts; with blinking lights – how do they think of that? Also, thanks to Ping Tat for his great idea of the WELCOME balloon – and all the sponsors ….. It will be of good use in the future.
The ushers and counsellors – I do not have the full list, but the Celebration will not be the same without your help to make our guest feel welcome ….. thumps up from the response slips for the ushers …. and the counsellors, many more who did not response to the altar call, did response after the service – thanks to your help Counsellors …
To Sister Sor Con, our ever youthful lady (at 70) but looks 20 years younger. You have always being ever so reliable in making sure everybody goes home with a contented stomach … at least this year we did not ran out of food (remember last year?) ..
To Ping Chong, for the video taping, I hope you may duplicate into VCDs for all of us who did not catch the whole show (especially those who was involved).
Also to all the cameramen(ladies), with their digital cameras, and also pictures loaded to the blog .... especially Alison and Shirley.
Also not forgetting all those who braved the heat (and the showers!) in the distribution of flyers, tracts, home and street survey ….. thank you so much. As well as those from MCCC
And Sister Christina …. whom I suspect has been praying the most for this event … since months / weeks ago ?? prayer changes things … and surely God had changed many things leading to the event …
And lastly to Rev Lim – you have always been so positive in everything, and ever trusting God in your works,
And I am sure I have missed out a couple more names …
Please forgive me if ever some of my instructions, requests and leadership style leading to this event did not meet with your approvals ….. I am still so imperfect ……
by~Patrick Fung
The best news is that at least 21 people have received Christ as their Saviour through the response slips; and a few more who did not response, did so through the counsellors.
We pray that God will continue to bless both of you with your good works …….. and if there are any shortcomings …. we do apologise.
We hope you enjoyed your short mission with us in Setapak, and we look forward to having you again in the future.
The 2005 Christmas Celebration Organising Team
Setapak Methodist Church
As Organising Chairperson of the recently concluded Christmas Celebration 17 December 2005, I would like to say a big THANK YOU to all of you for the help rendered:
Alison, for never say no to most of the things I asked you to help, car stickers, brochures, printing, purchasing etc etc. thank you.
Shirley, for all the design works and the last minute assignments …. smile …. nobody could do better than you .
Daniel, another very helpful and encouraging brother … and that’s a beautiful song you wrote … you did best under pressure …
Amy, you are a great blessing to Setapak Church … and a good leader too … pls continue with the good works,
The MCs, Pastor Toh – our ever helpful and talented minister, continue to be our good shepherd…& Dr Sharon Ling … our beautiful lady, definitely best dressed for the evening. And a beautiful song as well…. pls continue to sing for our Lord.
The actors, Pst Toh and Brother Ng Seng Ann … a good sense of humour, you have modified the script so much from the original that I wrote !! But definitely a lot better … Well done!
The dancers, Lily, Dorothy, Danny, Ming Xia, Xiao Wei, Kong Shun, Kar Men, Kar In, Shuen Nee …I see all of you are having a good time, who says Christians do not know how to have fun?
The singers, Amy, Shirley, Ah Nerd and Daniel ….. voices rising up to Heaven like sweet perfumes ……..
The Tambourine Dancers, Hui Hui, Shuen Yuan, Kang Hee, .. adding beautiful melody to the songs…
The musicians, Daniel, Sophia, Ah Chao, John, Joseph & Sam … not bad for a bunch of amateurs …. a few mistakes here and there …. but who ever noticed huh?
To the “back-room boys”, William, Wee Lin, Joshua, Aaron, who co-ordinated the sounds and lights ……. thank you
To Ivy Tay, who helped edit the video of Jesus to 30 minutes …..
The Car Park Controllers, Ping Tat, Ching Guan, George and Alvin, with their new black battery operated T-shirts; with blinking lights – how do they think of that? Also, thanks to Ping Tat for his great idea of the WELCOME balloon – and all the sponsors ….. It will be of good use in the future.
The ushers and counsellors – I do not have the full list, but the Celebration will not be the same without your help to make our guest feel welcome ….. thumps up from the response slips for the ushers …. and the counsellors, many more who did not response to the altar call, did response after the service – thanks to your help Counsellors …
To Sister Sor Con, our ever youthful lady (at 70) but looks 20 years younger. You have always being ever so reliable in making sure everybody goes home with a contented stomach … at least this year we did not ran out of food (remember last year?) ..
To Ping Chong, for the video taping, I hope you may duplicate into VCDs for all of us who did not catch the whole show (especially those who was involved).
Also to all the cameramen(ladies), with their digital cameras, and also pictures loaded to the blog .... especially Alison and Shirley.
Also not forgetting all those who braved the heat (and the showers!) in the distribution of flyers, tracts, home and street survey ….. thank you so much. As well as those from MCCC
And Sister Christina …. whom I suspect has been praying the most for this event … since months / weeks ago ?? prayer changes things … and surely God had changed many things leading to the event …
And lastly to Rev Lim – you have always been so positive in everything, and ever trusting God in your works,
And I am sure I have missed out a couple more names …
Please forgive me if ever some of my instructions, requests and leadership style leading to this event did not meet with your approvals ….. I am still so imperfect ……
by~Patrick Fung
Monday, December 19, 2005
A Great Christmas Celebration Night
A Great Christmas Celebration, Praise the LORD! A different celebration we have this time.. thanks the organizing committees..
Click for more photos
Monday, December 05, 2005
"So What's For Christmas This Year?"“今年圣诞有何不同?”
Venue : Setapak Methodist Church
Date : 17th Dec 2005
Time : 7.30pm ( Saturday)
Come and celebrate Christmas with international renowned speaker Dr. Andrew Goh on an evening of songs, music, refreshment and fellowship; and a special talk on "So What's for Christmas This Year?"
Dr Andrew Goh is a renowned international speaker from Singapore. He is also a motivational trainer and has trained thousands of employees from organisations such as Singapore Airlines, American International Assurance (AIA), Great Eastern Life, ASTRO, Hewlett Packard (HP), AmBank Group and UOB Bank.
Dr Goh has written 7 books, the latest being “The Sales Maker”. He earned his PhD from Nanyang Technological University and holds key positions in several Christian organisations. He is a founder member of Bartley Christian Church and founding elder of Riverlife Church in Singapore.
吴博士箸有七本书,“The Sales Maker” 是其最新著作。他在南洋理工大学修得博士学位,并在几个基督教机构中担任重要职位。他是新加坡Bartley基督教会其中一位创办者,也是新加坡生命泉教会其中的创办者兼长老。
Date : 17th Dec 2005
Time : 7.30pm ( Saturday)
Come and celebrate Christmas with international renowned speaker Dr. Andrew Goh on an evening of songs, music, refreshment and fellowship; and a special talk on "So What's for Christmas This Year?"
Dr Andrew Goh is a renowned international speaker from Singapore. He is also a motivational trainer and has trained thousands of employees from organisations such as Singapore Airlines, American International Assurance (AIA), Great Eastern Life, ASTRO, Hewlett Packard (HP), AmBank Group and UOB Bank.
Dr Goh has written 7 books, the latest being “The Sales Maker”. He earned his PhD from Nanyang Technological University and holds key positions in several Christian organisations. He is a founder member of Bartley Christian Church and founding elder of Riverlife Church in Singapore.
吴博士箸有七本书,“The Sales Maker” 是其最新著作。他在南洋理工大学修得博士学位,并在几个基督教机构中担任重要职位。他是新加坡Bartley基督教会其中一位创办者,也是新加坡生命泉教会其中的创办者兼长老。
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