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Friday, August 12, 2005

Prayers Request!!!! 代 祷 事 项 !

  1. Ask God for forgiveness to all those companies and plantations that cause the fire burning that leads to haze. We pray that they repent. We also promise God to take care of our environment.
  2. Pray that plenty of rain comes to the areas affected, so that the haze will be washed away
  3. Pray that the wind will blow the haze to the least populated areas - maybe the South Chinese Sea
  4. Pray for those affected by the haze. Sore throats, eye sores etc etc. Jehovah Rophe, God is my Healer. He heals and cure all my diseases.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Praise God for answering our prayers. May the haze go away forever.

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