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Monday, February 26, 2007

2007 CNY Home Visitation

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CNY Home visitation is awesome!Last Saturday, 14 of us formed a visitation group and visit the local MYF member’s house. We visited 7 families and had great time sharing the Chinese new years snacks, fried mee-hoon and curry, custard-cream puffs, drinks, pictures, and so on with the family members. The conversations took place drew our relationship closer and it’s a good way to know more about the family and also the fellow members.Just want to take this opportunity to thanks Mr.&Mrs. Tan Ching Guan (William and Wee Tat’s house), Rev. Yau & Mrs. Yau (Desmond’s house), Sister Ek Hiong (Siaw Hui’s house), Mr. &Mrs. Gan Kok Chye (Emilia Gan’s house), Mrs. Loh (Joshua and Alvin’s house), Mr. & Mrs. Loh Choon Aun (Amy’s house) and Mr. & Mrs. Koh Kok Beng (Alison’s house) for willing to open their house and welcomed us, and all the more, their ang-pows! Special thanks to William and Lily for organizing this wonderful trip! Anticipating for the next visit to come!


Thursday, February 08, 2007

The Top



德蕾莎修女的電影有一慕讓我印象深刻,就是當她在往大吉嶺避靜的途中,看到一位貧窮人不停地喊著說:「我渴了(I thirsty)。」這句話影響修女一輩子,德蕾莎修女從此得到上主明確的呼召,開始她在加爾各答街頭為「窮人中之最貧窮者」服務,後來成立仁愛修院,她說:「我只是上主手中一支微不足道的鉛筆」,至今,仁愛修會有五千多名修女、修士和神父,在全球各地繼續為窮人中之最貧窮者服務。





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